July 24, 2019 | Las Vegas NV

Okay for those who REALLY know ME….y’all already know! THIS moment right here…. #DreamComeTrue
I’m gonna say this right now, get it out the way… Janet Jackson is so lucky she has been my sister in my head since we were young, because I would NEVER, EVER visit Las Vegas in the middle of Summer….for NOTHING and NOBODY!! I was born in July, but I don’t like the heat of it, especially out there!
Okay…now…back to the main topic. 😂
Finding out about her Vegas residency, AND meet & greet opportunity, how could I NOT go? It took me at least 3 months to get my mind wrapped around this, I drove my friends and fam crazy about it! LOL I went…and O.M.G.
Waiting for her to arrive gave everyone nervous anticipation, yours truly was no exception and I’m not even star-struck! THIS was THE moment I just knew would NEVER happen and here I was! The crowd cheers when she enters. I watch others interact with her and just pray I keep myself together. LOL
Up Next…ME! (breathe Kecia) 😆
Whew…okay, I go to her and said “Hey Jan!” and went to hug her. She hugged back and said hello….to ME! LOL Right after that moment, someone from her team says something to her, she quickly responded (ugh…how DARE he interrupt MY moment!)
So back to meeeee….I told her she was wonderful, the show was awesome! She thanked me and smiled! I honestly don’t recall everything I said. It was a short encounter, yet meaningful in many ways. She was very warm and genuine throughout. The next thing I do remember saying, told me a lot about her. I mentioned that her cousin (whom I’m friends with) had asked me to tell her hello. So I did…she asked “which cousin” (probably thought I was making it up) I told her. The smile she radiated went beyond the usual smile we all see. We talkin’ FAMILY now and her reaction was so cute…I saw “Penny” in that face! 😊 I could tell family is VERY important to her by the way she responded. She asked me to relay a hello back to her cousin. I promised her I would.
After my time was over…it didn’t feel real at all. Like…did that JUST happen? Short, but sweet it was…however I really need another meeting and her people better leave her alone! How RUDE! LOL
She is so tiny in person! her voice is soooooo soft, you really HAVE to be in tune to listen to catch every word. Beautiful, we all know she is…but seeing her up close..I mean IN HER FACE close…her skin is flawless! I don’t think any if very little photo-shopping is ever needed with her photo shoots! If she wasn’t my ‘sister’ I’d be low-key jealous! LOL