Share the LOVE

Moderated by Phoebe Robinson

Little Caesars Arena | Detroit MI



If you’ve ever felt “less than” in any way If you’ve ever questioned your purpose in life If you’ve ever felt like you’re going in circles trying to “figure life out” If you’ve ever had a sense of failure due to life/career moves If you’ve ever wondered if you will BECOME more than who you are now ….I and many others have! But let me tell you, listening to Former First Lady, Michelle Obama break it down as she shared her journey of ‘becoming’ made me realize I’m not as bad off as I think I am sometimes! LOL When Michelle came to the stage, there were soooo many ladies in tears around me! We all were in total awe of her presence. Her genuine spirit thru her smile alone illuminated the arena!

Hearing her speak was like hanging in her house chit-chatting among friends. Michelle and conversation moderator, Phoebe Robinson flowed so well together, they affectionately referred to each other as “Meesh and Pheebs” throughout the evening. 🙂 This was not about what it was like being in the White House. That played a small part actually. This is HERstory growing up in Chicago, education, dating, being a daughter, mother, sister, wife, professional, along with the obstacles & adversities that came with it all.

I admire Michelle’s authentic sense of humor. She’s very relatable and so down to earth! I love how she can be open and laugh at life moments, yet be motivating at the same time. The love she has for her family speaks volumes, especially with daughters Malia and Sasha, being proactive in their adjustments of their high profile lives, staying involved hands-on and keeping them grounded and secure.

One highlight for me was knowing that once she completed law school, worked at a law firm, she realized that was not her passion! She eventually made the necessary steps to get to what she truly love. Of course we have to do what is necessary in order to pay the bills etc…but on the side we are allowed and encouraged to explore what our passion is. Who knows, the two could mesh in some way, or we can create a completely different path.

I could go on and on, because Michelle’s talk was just that powerful. She revealed quite a bit of personal challenges; going to marriage counseling, suffering miscarriage, the family continually being scrutinized all while keeping her balance intact. When it was over…NO ONE wanted it to be! Two hours felt like 20 min! We wanted and needed more! She encouraged us to make ourselves a priority, to know ourselves so we can be and do better. We all walked out inspired and ready to conquer the world! Empowered to be our best selves! Ready to face our fears and realize everything we have endured in our lives has led us to where we are today and will shape our BECOMING for tomorrow.

For those who attended, what did you receive from this event? Sound off below!

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